Wine conservation, how to do it best?
Preserving wines is essential to preserve their quality and flavor over time. Here are some tips for properly storing your wines:
Temperature: Store your wines at an ideal constant temperature, generally between 10°C and 15°C for red wines and between 7°C and 10°C for white and rosé wines. Temperature fluctuations can damage wine, so avoid locations prone to extreme fluctuations.
Humidity: Adequate humidity, ideally around 70%, can help prevent corks from drying out and maintain the integrity of the wine. Too high a humidity level can encourage the growth of mold on the corks, while too low a humidity level can cause them to dry out and allow air into the bottle.
Darkness: Protect your wines from direct sunlight or fluorescent lighting, as UV light can alter flavors and accelerate wine aging. Opt for a dark location or use tinted bottles or opaque wine racks.
Position: Store wine bottles horizontally to keep the cork in contact with the wine. This prevents the cork from drying out and minimizes the risk of oxidation.
Stability: Make sure your bottles are stored in a stable location where they will not be moved or shaken. Excessive vibration can disrupt the sediment in the wine and affect its quality.
Ventilation: Keep the storage area well ventilated to avoid unwanted odors that could permeate the corks and alter the taste of the wine.
Shelf life: Not all wines are meant to be aged. Make sure you know the recommended shelf life for each type of wine. White and rosé wines are generally consumed younger, while some quality red wines can benefit from cellar aging for years.
By following these storage tips, you will be able to fully enjoy your wines and their evolution over time.