La contenance des bouteilles de vin : pourquoi 0,75cl ?

The capacity of wine bottles: why 0.75cl?

This is an oddity that you have probably already noticed. At the supermarket, when you look for a bottle of wine, the vast majority are 75 centiliter bottles that are offered to you. So yes, there are indeed 1 liter bottles, but they are in the minority and almost stand out among their smaller counterparts.

How to explain this very specific dimension? The legends are numerous. Some will say that the glass blowers did not have enough air in their lungs to push their creation to the liter mark. Others claim that it would above all be a story of conservation and quality, presenting the 75 centilitres as the perfect container for good aging of the wine. Or that it's just the right amount to share a bottle between two people. As you can imagine, these are just wild hypotheses. The explanation actually dates back to the 19thIt is century.

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